Monday, February 16, 2015

Crib training & sleep

Have you co-slept with your baby, and had a hard time figuring out when to transition to the crib in the nursery? My husband and I have been realizing that Micah has been more and more aware lately (at 11 weeks), and it is probably time to start trying. Since we FINALLY received the crib a couple of weeks ago, I have been laying Micah in it while awake every morning when I'm getting things ready for the day. I just started last week trying to put him down in his crib for naps. As I type, I'm rocking eagerly back and forth in the nursery rocking chair, just waiting for him to wake up. Of course, I put him down while he is sleepy, but awake because he has learned to fall asleep on his own in his co-sleeper, so I want him to get used to it in his crib, as well (it makes for easy nights). I am happy to say he has been asleep for 35 minutes now!

I don't swaddle him for naps, and I know I am supposed to, according to research, but I don't want him to only be able to sleep with a swaddle. Plus, we are mostly on the go at least half of the week, so he sleeps in car seats a lot of times. I am sorry to inform you that we don't have set nap schedules, which is completely fine with me. And this has been fine because he has been pretty easy to put down at night (knock on wood) and that is what I care most about. For example, our friends were over a lot last week, and I have been able to feed Micah, burp him, put him down awake, and attend to our guests right takes me about 15 minutes! I watch him on the monitor the entire time I'm away from him though! :)

I am nervous about having him sleep five miles away from me (a slight exaggeration ;) ), but I know that it is for the best...for all of us! 

So I will continue putting him down in his room for naps at least once a day to get him comfortable with it. 

Anyway, Micah is starting to wake up because it is close to his feeding time, so I will talk to you soon!

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