Sunday, February 8, 2015

Strong let-down & oversupply...pumping and such

I have finally figured out how to manage my supply. As I have said in a previous post, I was having issues with Micah choking and becoming increasingly frustrated when breastfeeding. I didn't know what to do. I spoke to several lactation consultants, who said different things: Try putting frozen veggies on your breast before nursing, pump a little before (which doesn't help matters in the long run), try elevating his head, try laying down and having him turn to the side so the milk can dribble out of his mouth when needed, etc. None of those things helped! 
So I read several online articles and decided to try to block feed to lessen my supply since I am a stay-at-home-mom and do not need to build it. 
First, I would nurse only on one side for two feedings in a row. I did this for a few days, and then I switched to nursing on one side only for a feeding, and then switching to the next side for the next feeding. I have been doing this for a month and a half now, and Micah hasn't been stressing out and choking for a few weeks! I feel so much better doing the block feeding. With that said, he only nurses for about 10 minutes. I have learned from doing research, that not all people can be classified into one category when it comes to breastfeeding.
When Micah was born, I would drive myself crazy reading, "Most babies should nurse for 30 minutes, and they should feed on both sides. They will tell you when they want to switch sides. They will tell you when they are full." All of this was BS when it came to my child, and so I learned. So, don't freak out if your child is different than "most" because it happens! You will also read that as long as they have enough wet and poopy diapers they are fine! I used the La Leche League website a lot:
Anyway, I struggled at first, especially not knowing if Micah was gaining weight because after the two week appointment, he didn't go in until the two month appointment! Call your baby's pediatrician if you have questions and a nurse should get back to you promptly. If you are concerned make an appointment. That's what I had to do! First time mom, everyone 😍
A strong let-down does lead to a more gassy baby, too! Just so you know. 
Anyway, I hope this helped at least one person! 
Talk to you soon 💕

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