Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How do I want to raise my child? 8 weeks!

I know that I was spoiled. I still am. I know that I don't want Micah to be as spoiled as I was because I don't know if we can do what my parents did, especially with only Conrad's income. Especially when we want two or three kids. My parents were/are great, and I had all of their time and attention. I would love to give my kids that much attention...and I will, but it will be moreso as a group than individually, obviously. With that said, you never know! Also, they are sure spoiling their first grandchild!!! 😍

I have been struggling with putting Micah down for naps. I would rather him be close to me; therefore, he naps in a swing, in his carseat, or on me! I know that on me is bad, so Conrad and I have decided to give him three months of being spoiled, then we definitely have to let him be independent. I know I am going to have to start now, little by little or I am going to make it harder for myself. 
At night he does pretty well sleeping in the co-sleeper, but I am scared to death of putting him in the other room. We  will finally receive our crib this weekend, and I plan to start laying him in there for naps. 
I am not so disciplined and I know it, but I have to work on it.
I do finally have him on a "schedule" during the day, which works out pretty well because I know when I need to nurse him, so I'm able to plan accordingly. 
Oh the stresses! Oh the joys!
So last post, I complained of Micah's gas pains...and he is still having them.
I took him into the doctor (I know, first time mom!) and they said to try eliminating dairy, so I've been dairy-free for a week! A little over a week more to go before I can say if it worked or not. 
I'm starting to come to the conclusion that he's just a gassy baby. I hate that he is so uncomfortable all the time. 
Hearing Micah cry is torture, so I always shove his pacifier in his mouth. He spits it out, and I put it back in. This is another thing I probably should stop doing, because he is expecting it every time!
Micah and I have been bonding, and now that he is really starting to make eye contact it has been a lot of fun. He has been smiling a lot more lately, and lifting up his head pretty well!
Micah and I have been spending time with his twin cousins. Twins are a lot of work, and I know I shouldn't have too many complaints after hanging out with them. They require teamwork! Jasmine and Liam are gaining weight and doing well. Here is Micah with his cousins:

My friend Ashley and I have started our own club called #abqstrollermoms. Hashtag and all ;)

I started half marathon training this week, and it has been slow. What did I expect? Especially pushing a stroller, no matter how amazing the stroller is! I am not going to give up, I will keep pushing! I have ran three miles a few times now, and I feel stronger each time. 

My body has been trying to go back to normal, and I've been willing it to! However when I sit down, I still have a pooch. You can see progress though! 

 I was just telling Ashley that it is strange how I look like that from the front, but when I sit down I feel like it is mush! 

Anyway, I will check back in with you when Micah turns 2 months old!!! He's growing so quickly, and I'm not as much of a nervous wreck as I was the last time!  Well maybe...

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