My son struggled to share time with Virtie Rose. What am I talking about? He still struggles. Every day. I am just grateful that it isn't as bad as it was in the beginning.

What did I do to with Micah before Virtie came? EVERYTHING. When I say that Micah is a little ahead with communication, I am not lying. He was ready to be potty trained well before his second birthday. He and I can have "grown up" conversations together. So before Virtie Rose came, I would talk to him constantly about what to expect. I would talk to him about why my belly was so big. I would explain to him over and over that I had to go to the hospital to get the baby. He understood when I said the baby would always need me because it wouldn't be able to walk or talk. I talked about changing the baby's diaper. I talked about everything. He understood what I was saying, but DIDN'T understand what that meant for him and how his life would change.
I planned to have him receive a bike and helmet when Virtie Rose came home. We said that it was a gift from her (I read that this is what you were supposed to do). He was so curious about his sister. He didn't really understand that she was a permanent part of our life just yet. Micah started acting out almost immediately. Just doing anything he could do get a response. He had A LOT of attention still from everyone because Virtie Rose was an amazing baby, and my parents were in town. It didn't matter though. The baby was still in the back of his mind whether she was sleeping or not. He threw things, he was angry, and he was very very sad. It was so hard for me to witness. It broke my heart, as I knew that the wonderful relationship I formed with him was changing into something different. I didn't know what to do to fix it. I tried to include him, I tried to be stern, I tried to be extra loving and accepting...but it all improved in God's time.

At the time he was still going to his camp once a week for four hours. He was even acting withdrawn there. I was really depressed for the first week or two after Virtie was born, but then it got better. He has never been a mean brother. He has always been a very loving brother. He was just mad at me, therefore he acted out because of me and towards me. Three months later, he still acts out. He wants me to go with him to potty every time I am holding her. We battle because I tell him I am not going to pull down his pants for him anymore. There were a few times that he peed and/or pooped in his pants and I was very worried that it was going to be consistent, but it wasn't because he doesn't like the feeling of being wet or having poop in his pants (Thank God)!
Now I like explaining it like a roller coaster. Some days we have ups, while some days we have drastic butterflies-in-your-stomach, downs. I am very thankful that he is still himself, and that his personality didn't change. I know that he will be better for it.
Micah is a great big brother! He kisses her, wants to hold her, and wants to SHHHHHH her to sleep (One of the 5 S's). Of course, I am so love with my two kids and so grateful to have them, despite the struggles!
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