As you can see, I was horrible with documenting this pregnancy. I didn't feel too well, and was tired for the most part. For weeks before we had the baby, I could have sworn I would go into labor early. In fact, we even missed my brother and sister-in-law's vow renewal 10 days before my due date because I didn't want to go out of town. That day, I thought I was going into labor because I was having consistent contractions.
I visited triage two times before I went into actual labor.
It was stressful not knowing the baby's gender too, because I couldn't set up the nursery with specific colors, and I didn't have clothes if we were having a girl. All of that ended up worth it when it was all said and done though.
Two days after my due date, Dr. Drescher, Conrad and I set an appointment to be induced for the very next morning at 6am. I was very impatient at this point and ready to be comfortable again. I was feeling extra tired and nauseated for a couple of days before this. I was having Braxton Hicks for weeks prior to this, and some were strong, while others still felt weak. However, the morning before my induction they were starting to get painful. At 3am I sent a text to both my mom and Conrad, who were both in the other rooms of our house (Micah was sick, so Conrad was laying with him in his room). I said that something was probably going on, finally. The contractions were only four minutes apart, but getting stronger and more painful.
We got to triage at 3:45 or so, but I wasn't in actual labor. I was only 3cm, and about 70% effaced. They said they would admit me though since I was going to get induced anyway. The nurse put me on penicillin right away for Group B Strep. The contractions kept coming though and they were getting unbearable, but we were stuck in triage because it was a already a busy morning. The nurse didn't think I would progress quickly, so we told her about my first labor and delivery and how I didn't even have time for an epidural. She decided to check me again and I was a 4-5, and she was surprised.

We (My mom, Conrad, & I) were finally admitted to a regular room around this time. It was around seven, and the staff was going home and we were told we would be getting a new nurse. Our first nurse broke the bad news that I wouldn't probably have time for an epidural because there were two scheduled C-Sections at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m., and by that time it was already seven. So we all gave up hope that I would get pain relief, when 10 minutes later in walks a nurse anesthetist. Her shift was over, but the person who was relieving her was late so she said she had time if I wanted one. We had already resigned ourselves to the fact that I would have to be in pain for at least a few more hours, but when she gave me the option I realized I would like to have an epidural. The pain was getting worse, and my contractions were three minutes long with little to no time between them. If I tried to hold off on the decision, I definitely wouldn't have made it. I had them check to see how far I was before making a final decision, and I was 7 cm dilated. I went for it!

The nurse asked Conrad and my mom to leave the room while she administered the epidural. I guess some people pass out or make remarks about the needle that don't help the person who is getting it. The experience was pretty darn uncomfortable, but VERY worth it. After that I slowly stopped feeling any pain at all. Not only that, I felt pretty loopy...and I liked it! I was as happy as can be, but anxious about feeling the crowning. They said I would feel pressure when I was ready to push, and once I felt it, I needed to let them know. Well, I didn't feel anything! When my doctor arrived to check on me she asked if I wanted her to break my water (it was "bulging")...I said, "Yes." I didn't feel anything at all when she did that. Then she asked if I was ready to push...and I said, "Well, yes, but I don't feel anything!" She said I was ready, maybe not completely effaced, but ready. So I pushed, and she saw the baby's head and said, "Okay, stop. You are ready to have a baby! Get the nurses!"

Everyone came in rather quickly, and there I was patiently waiting, knowing any second I would meet our precious little one.
Then in walked my Dad. He should have arrived an hour prior, but decided to stop at Denny's to get himself some breakfast before watching the baby be born...and not a minute too soon!
Our doctor told me to push and guided me through the rest of it. It only took three pushes to get HER out. During the pushing stages, the doctor talked to Conrad about what exactly was happening as if the whole thing was in slow motion, which he found interesting.
Finally, I can say we have a healthy baby GIRL on our hands! Conrad was supposed to announce, but didn't want to get it wrong...we all saw that she was a girl right away so there was no announcement necessary. We were very emotional, and couldn't believe our luck!
Micah couldn't meet her until we got home the very next day. He was sick with croup, so we wanted him to wear a face mask when he met her...that lasted about two seconds! We were so very excited for them to meet, and a little nervous as well. My next posts will be about the months following her birth! :)