I think I am starting to get used to this whole mom thing. I know just as I get used to things, and become more confident, something will occur to change all of that.
Micah had his two month checkup yesterday, and along with that his first round of vaccinations. I know there is a big debate, especially right now with measles going around, but I think we have a responsibility to our children and to other people's children to vaccinate. What the heck is wrong with these people who are deciding not to vaccinate?
Anyway, my poor little baby was in so much pain last night and silly me forgot to buy Tylenol, so there I was driving to Walmart at midnight to buy some because he was running a fever. It was a long night for my little partner and I.
Then Conrad is sick, so I made sure to ask the doctor what to do if Micah got sick. I learned that there is nothing I can do, really. Great!
Micah has hit the two month mark, everybody!! It is absolutely amazing to watch how quickly he is growing!
I eliminated dairy for two weeks, to no avail. Micah still has gas pains, but I am not so uptight about them anymore. The doctor said he may just be a gassy baby, and he will grow out of it.
I do block feeding where I nurse only on one breast a feeding. I have been managing my supply this way. I decided to start building a supply by pumping my other breast when Micah goes five hours without eating, this is the first feeding of the night, from 8 p.m.-1 a.m. I haven't been producing much yet, but I hope that will change soon!
On Saturday, Conrad introduced the bottle and Micah took it without a problem!
I need to start working harder on my relationship with God. I have been Catholic for almost two years, and I have not been the best Christian. How do I expect my son to be faith-filled if I am not living this way? I want Conrad and I to be Godly role models for our children. I know it is a work in progress, but I need to try harder! Hopefully we will be better! A baby is no excuse to be distracted this much from the reason we are able to be here in the first place! Thank God for baby Micah Avery! #abqstrollermoms has been going well! We have been meeting pretty consistently. We even got our first picture of the Osuna twins and Micah!
Half marathon training has also been going well. I ran four miles last weekend, which is my longest distance so far. I am not as fast as I hope to be one day, but I am so proud of my progress! Stroller running isn't easy, and neither is running with this new body of mine, but I am happy!
I love this! #inspirational #getitdone