I hope everyone has had a good week. I'm ready for the weekend to come! I always enjoy seeing Conrad more often.
So now that I am home, I have realized that people expect more of me. I am just now getting a taste of what it feels like to be a stay-at-home mom. Although I do like to help out, I just feel like people think I need things to do. Haha, that isn't to say that YOU shouldn't ask for help if you need it, and I know that I volunteer my help (which you should take me up on it if I do). I'm just saying that Conrad and I made the decision for me to stay home to take care of our new family. Being a stay-at-home mom means that I will take care of our baby, the house, and any errands that we need to do before the baby comes. I now received a glimpse of what some people think about stay-at-home-moms.
What have I done during summer break? I have prepared our registry, I have cleaned every week, grocery shopped, cooked dinner, baked, exercised, went on lunch dates, went on Starbucks dates, went on walks with friends, assisted in caring for some adorable twins, blogged, complained, had mood swings, watched Netflix and Hulu Plus, planned and threw our gender reveal party, and I am READY to start on our nursery (which will be quite the project). So there is plenty that I can do to keep myself busy, thank you very much!

My grandfather and I went up to the Pecos Wilderness to spend some quality time with Conrad's parents, and to go fishing. I wanted him to get away from home for a little while and he agreed to take a little mini-vacation. It was a fun trip and we made some memories.
I am excited to be starting a bible study pretty soon with a few moms from Annunciation (the school where I last worked). That will be a fun time for us to get together to talk about motherhood and God.
I am so glad that my beautiful BFF, Steph, is back in town. She and I have established a workout routine that has been going pretty well. This is what we have decided:
Mondays- Swimming
Tuesdays- Body Pump
Wednesdays- Hiking
Thursdays- Gym
Fridays- Body Pump
Weekends- What ever we want!
We have also said that we should start volunteering once a week. I have been meaning to volunteer for a few years now!
The past two weeks I have been hiking with my friend, Cristina, and we have been taking our crazy pups! I bet you can't spot the baby bump!
How far along? 23.6 weeks!
Total weight gain: I've gained a total of 14 pounds at my last appointment, probably more now.
Maternity clothes?! Of course! They are my favorite (who would have thought!?) !
Stretch marks? No fresh ones to report. Just the same couple on my boobs!
Sleep: Not too great. They say good sleep is a thing of the past at this point.
Miss anything? I miss red wine and running.
Movement: OMG! He is going to be an Olympian! He does a lot of somersaults. When he hears Conrad's voice he gets very worked up (it is adorable)!
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, thank goodness!
Gender: A little boy: Micah Avery!
Labor signs: Thankfully not!
Symptoms: EMOTIONAL!
Belly button in or out? Oh boy is it coming out...every day it seems like it is pushing further and further out.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody moody, but like my mom said, I have always been moody so I can't expect that to change when I am pregnant!
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