Hello everyone! Last week was a pretty amazing week. My parents arrived on Thursday, and stayed until Saturday. My dad and I had a father daughter day on Friday which was very fun! We went to the gym (my dad likes to get four days in a week), we met my mom and Conrad for lunch, and then we went to REI. My parents bought Conrad and I a stroller and car seat! I've known I wanted a B.O.B. Stroller for about a year now, after seeing Dorothy Beal use one on Instagram. 
The stroller is so cool! It is easy to collapse and to put it back it only takes a flick of the wrist. Conrad and I are very blessed to have the parents we do.
The B.O.B. stroller is amazing (my dad and Conrad are talking in the background...sorry! Georgie is there, too!) |
OH I love you and your new BOB!!! So exiting. #dreamscometrue