We have a two year old who is potty trained and off the paci...the next obstacle will be putting him into a toddler bed! AHHH!
AND...we are 13 weeks pregnant with baby #2. We are so excited, and we prayed and prayed for this little nugget! We tried for 9-10 months to conceive, and we were at the point where we were thinking of trying Clomid. The month before we were going to give Clomid a shot, we got pregnant! We used the digital ovulation tests, and that seemed to help...and most importantly, it was God's perfect timing.
Things have been a little different this go around. I wasn't in as good of shape as I was in with Micah. (I was halfway through marathon training when we found out I was pregnant with him). Also, it is a little different because I am "showing" much quicker than I was the first time. Another difference is that I had morning sickness for several weeks, but it has worn off at this point (thankfully). I never threw up, but I felt nauseated every evening. I know it could have been much worse.

Last week I decided that I would run another marathon, around a year after baby #2 is born! I think this is a great goal for me to get back into the swing of things, if only I can keep my back in running shape. I definitely think I will have to do physical therapy after delivering. Six months after Micah came, I started really having issues with my back...
Anyway...I will try to keep in touch more so that I can document this pregnancy! Gosh, another difference is that I haven't been good about taking weekly pictures like I was with Micah. I guess they are right when they say things are different with baby #2!

At my checkup this week my doctor told me that all was well, and everything looked "perfect!" I have gained 9 pounds total, which I was excited about because I thought I gained more.
I've still been running with the stroller, but honestly it has turned into mostly walking. I try to get out 45+ minutes, 5-6 times a week. I would like to start swimming in a month or so, and I would like to lift weights more than I have been.
We went to our 20 week anatomy screening, and didn't find out the gender! It was such a tough decision. Conrad & I agreed not to find out before we got pregnant. During the first trimester I was certain that I didn't want to find out...but as the second trimester neared, I wanted more and more to know if I was carrying a little boy or a little girl! Conrad, of course, was rock solid and determined not to find out...so I let him have his way! I know it will be so exciting the day he/she decides to grace us with his/her presence!
I just wanted to write about what I am doing to prepare Micah in case I forget. I don't know how most 2 1/2 year olds are, but he is so intuitive. He communicates so well, and I know that he understands so much of what I am saying, because days later he surprises me by telling me something that I've said days ago. This is one of the reasons I think he was potty trained two months short of two years old. Our next battle that we aren't ready to fight yet, is transitioning him to the toddler bed. I guess that should come before the baby comes.
I feel like it is so weird that I keep saying the baby. Sometimes I wish I knew if it was a he/she so I could say he OR she...or use the baby's name! Anyway, things are going well here. After the first trimester I felt so much better! I never threw up, but I felt nauseated A LOT.
Hopefully I will be back a few more times to check in. We love you baby #2!
Our little baby wouldn't stop covering his/her face! So precious. |