This morning I woke up, not to my alarm clock that usually goes off, but to the light creeping through the blinds. I said to myself, "OH MAN I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM CLOCK!" I woke up with just enough time to make it to the pool for thirty minutes of good swimming. I know I have said this before, but swimming is the best! I feel so great when I start my day off like that.
Anyway, we went to a wedding last weekend, and it was so fun! Conrad was in the wedding, and I just got to sit back and relax. We danced, a lot! Our friends threw a heck of a party!
Our friend Courtney just had her baby! She is the cutest thing I have ever seen, and I haven't even seen her in person yet. We made an appointment to meet her on Thursday, and we wanted to also bring them dinner! It will be fun :)
It was the NM state fair last week, and we were able to enjoy the rodeo and a country concert. It was so much fun. Oh, did I mention that we got to eat lots of good fair food? Yum! I probably gained five pounds in one day :)
I have been feeling pretty well lately. I have noticed that I am getting tired a lot easier when exercising, and just when doing things all day long. I need more breaks :) However, I would LOVE to try to keep exercising throughout my whole pregnancy. I walk every day, I'm still doing Body Pump, hiking, elliptical, and swimming.
Anyway, I have been continuing to help Alden and I had to skip on Ashley this week because I was sick and was afraid that with her babies being so little, that I would give them a cold. Anyway, I am going to help her again next week. Those are two sets of adorable twins that I am lucky to be around.
I WAS SO AFRAID TO TAKE MEDICINE. I had to though so that I would enjoy the wedding, and boy did it help! After that day, I did not want to take anymore, so I just dealt with it. It was just Tylenol cold and flu, but still. I am a paranoid first timer!
It has been a happy week, and I am so thankful to have a supporting husband who is willing to help out, and who works hard every day for us!
How far along: 30 weeks today!
Total weight gain: a little over 20
Maternity clothes: I love to wear my stretchy black workout pants all of the time. However, when I have to get ready and look nice, I am definitely wearing maternity clothes, but also shirts I have had, that are long!
Stretch marks: Just a couple on my boob, not too bad though. I know this is when I can really get them!
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee and/or from heartburn.
Best moment of this week: Going to our first birthing class, and learning about everything! I am liking the relaxation and breathing techniques.
Miss anything: Running and red wine.
Movement: SO much movement. My belly looks like something is literally trying to come out of it at times…
Food cravings: Oddly enough, haven’t felt as hungry as usual this past week..I will still eat a lot in one sitting :( but I don't feel so hungry though out the day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Duh
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: I haven't felt the Braxton Hicks yet. I am waiting for that to happen. I want to start Hypnobabies soon, so I can get a little more relaxed about labor.
Belly button in or out: The top half of my belly button is out, bottom half is now starting to finally creep on out!
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: I have been a little of both lately.
Looking forward to: Going on a long hike this weekend, and celebrating my mother-in-laws retirement!