I know I have waited too long since the last post! It has already been two weeks. I feel that my body really has changed a lot in the last two weeks. I am embracing this pregnancy the best I can, but it is difficult to accept all the new changes that are going on, although that is the only thing I can really do! I feel like I am gaining weight everywhere, not just in the middle. I am so excited and feel so blessed to be able to be pregnant, yet I am mental when it comes to the things that come with it. I am just going to pray for peace of mind, because I would rather take all that comes with this pregnancy, than to not get to have a little precious baby.
Well that was the venting for the week. Aren't you glad you stopped by? :)
This week, the baby is the size of a large mango. Wow, I have sure come a long way! We will find out the sex of our baby in two weeks. I cannot wait to know! Then we can really get a start on the nursery.
I have been working out as much as possible, although I haven't ran for the past two weeks. I just haven't felt good about it. I tried at the gym, and I immediately felt like I needed to pee! It feels like everything is pushing up and down, and all around (because it is!). So, I have been doing Body Pump, Elliptical, hiking, and walking. I am going to try swimming next week, hopefully.
I am excited to go to Omaha, Nebraska, a week from today! It will be very fun to see my family. I always enjoy them.
I have been hanging out with our friend, Alden and her twins. They are so adorable, and they just turned seven months old! I am trying to learn as much as I can before the baby comes, but I know my baby will be much different than her babies! What works for one just may not work for another.

My belly button has been trying to peek out of its hole. I wasn't prepared for it to come out this early!
Last week we got to go to Tererro, NM, and help Conrad's parents with their store. It was nice to get away, smell the fresh air, and hang out with my in-laws.

My great friend, Jen, just got engaged and asked me to be her MOH. I am so happy for her, and excited to help her. I just hope that I can be there as much as possible before our bundle of joy comes, because I
know that once the baby arrives, my life will change! Especially because we want to try and exclusively breast feed for at least three-four months (if we can). Oh Jen, you get to bare with me!!!!! What are friends for?
I am excited that a couple of my best friends in the world are getting married next year, and you know what that means ladies? You two will (God willing) get to share the joy of a baby with me! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage! Thank you in advance!
I didn't get too dressed up this week to do my weekly picture. In fact, I didn't even do my makeup! Sorry :( But you can see quite a change in me, nonetheless.
How far along: 19 weeks!
Total weight gain: 9 pounds, but that was my weight at the last appointment...I know I have gained more now.
Maternity clothes: Oh my...I have just discovered how nice it feels to wear maternity pants, after trying to squeeze into my jeans. Check out my new maternity shorts!
Stretch marks: I am using coconut oil to try to avoid getting them, but I know they are hereditary and if I am going to get them, I am going to get them!
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee!
Best moment of this week: Conrad took the day off to spend with me, and we went for a nice walk in the Bosque. It was so fun!
Miss anything: Running, beer and wine. But the things I get to experience now completely outweigh those:)
Movement: I have felt a little fluttering! I think it helped that I used Mat's stethoscope, and I was listening to the baby's movements. It helped me to see that what I have been feeling for a while now was actually the baby and not gas!
Food cravings: Not too many cravings, but Conrad has them!
Anything making you queasy or sick: NO!
Have you started to show yet: OMG, I would say yes, a little bit!
Gender: We will know in two weeks.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: The top half of my belly button is coming out, but the bottom is still hanging in there.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: So moody! I am still getting used to it...I know it has already been 19 weeks...Sometimes I am ecstatic and sometimes I am a big grump!
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal party!