Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Right in the middle of marathon training...

Have you ever experienced a time when you went on vacation, and all of your big running plans went to hell? 

Halfway through marathon training I lay here in Mexico with a piña colada in hand. Although we have been running, we are discovering that a mile and a half of beach isn't ideal to run 15 miles on, especially when you aren't used to it...or the humidity.

I must admit, I thought it would be easy to run here, and that simply isn't the case. We have been running three miles daily instead of the 15 miles, and 5 to 7 necessary daily miles that our Hal higdon schedule requires. 
We run our stage for the One Run for Boston 2, on Monday, and I sure hope we do okay. I mean, I know we will make it, but I don't want this whole week to throw us off. 
I'm nervous...
But I know we have the determination to continue where we left off at home. After all the eating and drinking we are doing it will definitely be a challenge though. 

What about you...has this ever happened to you during training? What happened!? Please tell...and I hope you are having a great running week wherever you are out there!

Monday, March 10, 2014


The past week has been a rough one. Conrad and I worked very hard to run according to our schedule, and we did so until Saturday. We traveled to Conrad's hometown in the mountains and when we woke up that morning we noticed that it was snowing!!! We couldn't believe it. The whole day we debated if we should run or not. I figured it wasn't going to stop snowing, so we ventured out for a nice, cold, snow in your eyes, run. Our intention was to run seven miles, but we were at 8,000 feet, and unprepared.
The snow was soaking right through our clothes, so we only ran four. We climbed over 300 feet, and I thought that was the equivalent of running seven back in Albuquerque.
So while running, we stopped a dozen times to take pictures so it wasn't that good of a run. But we did it! And isn't that what is important?

On Sunday, we got back in the afternoon, and I was so exhausted. I have been battling allergies, and they are kicking my booty! Anyway, we ran right when we got back, and it was a mentally tough run. We have been running around the Academy twice lately!!! A little background, running Academy once used to be a feat for me! Now running around it twice, after already running a few miles, and then adding miles on to that, as well...is a HUGE accomplishment! The allergies were killing me, and my nose wouldn't quit running. However, I kept pushing and never stopped. 
Yesterday we ran a record 14 miles! That is the farthest distance I have ever ran! It was doable, but trying. We ran it with an average pace of 9:05. Which is around our goal pace for the marathon. 
The other runs last week were pretty good. Some miles are easier than others. It is all a work in progress. We are getting stronger, and now we know we can do it. We are just praying that we don't get injured. 
Speaking of injured, my leg has been feeling just fine. I hope that this means I am not really too hurt, and that it is going away! 
I will work this week, and then we will head to Mexico on Saturday! We have a fifteen miler on Sunday on the beach in Mexico. I hope it doesn't kill us! Wish us luck. Xoxo...
Strong heart + strong mind = strong body 


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The journey

Wow! I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted. I am slacking off. The last time I posted, I had no idea how I would be feeling in my near future...and I think I am getting better. Well, I am crossing my fingers, at least.
I am still running injured, but I feel like I can manage it now. I have been stretching a lot more, and icing it after every run.
In the past few weeks, I have also been getting down on myself for not running as quickly as I was in the beginning, but I am starting to accept what my body is doing and learning to be okay with it. I am a two-time half marathon runner, who just decided to run a full. I do not need to get the best time ever, I should be okay with just finishing, right? Well, I am slowly starting to come to this realization.
Conrad is now running with my beautiful pink Garmin because I was becoming obsessed with the watch. Although I was hurt, I was still trying to maintain an average pace of 8:00 min/mi, and that was not okay! I do not know what I was thinking, although I know that it must have been my competitive side...which I have been fighting with my whole life.
Anyway...our goal is starting to turn into: "JUST FINISHING THE RACE." Then I pause after trying to be okay with just that...and I whisper, "IN UNDER 4 HOURS." Conrad doesn't like that too much because he is starting to get annoyed with this aforementioned competitive side of mine. Oh well, I will learn what my body can handle. I know I started off too fast 'for me' though. It is all a learning experience.
The second annual One Run for Boston is coming up. We will be doing 13.5 miles on March 22nd, and I am excited to run for this cause. It sounds like there are a lot of great people who are participating, and it will be fun to meet them. Please visit: http://www.onerunforboston.org to learn more.
We were looking forward to running in Oregon so much, but not enough that we thought to get the tickets WAY in advance, oh no. We were too late, and so we had to sign up for a different race: The Surfer's Path Marathon in Santa Cruz, CA. I hope that it is just as beautiful, but I am sad that we were not able to get into the Newport Marathon.

This past week we ran 12 miles, at a decent pace: 8:42 min/mi. I was happy with it because we had an elevation climb of 470 feet. I think if we can continue this pace throughout it will be perfect, but I cannot expect every run to be the same. Like today for instance, I felt like crap running four miles. I asked Conrad, "How in the world can I feel like this when I felt awesome after running 12 miles on Sunday?" I just don't get it...but I guess it is all part of the journey...and I am finally beginning to understand what it means to be a runner.
Strong heart + strong mind= strong body

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. -Bruce Lee