Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Strong heart +strong mind = strong body

As sad as it is to admit, I think I am injured. After I solid second week of running, the Sunday long run (nine miles) took a toll on my groin. It must be a mild pull, but I'm no medical professional or personal trainer, so I am just guessing. I'm extremely afraid to keep running because I don't want to injure it further. My biggest fear is to have to stop running! I took two days off, but I know that isn't enough recovery time. Pray for me, please. 
Conrad and I ran in my hometown this weekend, and my parents drove us nine miles from their house, and then we ran back. It was nice for once not to have to do a down and back. I am grateful for their support. Our average pace was 8:28 min/mi. Of course, I was sad that we didn't do better, but I really enjoyed the run. Conrad wore my watch, and it was nice not to check it throughout the run and just put my shoes on the pavement and enjoy it!
Conrad and I signed up to do a stage in the run that goes from LA to Boston. It is to raise money for those who were injured and who died at the Boston Marathon. It is called One Run for Boston. We are excited to participate in such an amazing cause. Please visit: http://www.onerunforboston.org
By sponsoring my run, you will be donating to this cause.

I will be in New York City this weekend and my ultimate goal is to run around Central Park. I have never been and am so excited. I am following this girl on Instagram who lives there and posts pictures all of the time..She makes it look so breathtaking. We leave on Thursday!! Yippiieee!
Anyway, we run five miles tomorrow, and hopefully I feel well. I will stretch and heat it before the run...and I'll definitely stretch and ice it afterwards. Pain is weakness leaving the body! 
Conrad and I have a new saying: strong heart+strong mind=strong body!